Port Alberni (Hafen)
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Canadian container terminal concept aired
A new container terminal concept is reportedly being considered for Canada’s Port Alberni – if constructed it would be the largest of its kind in the country. The Times Colonist says that the idea behind the proposed $1bn 120-hectare facility is that freighters can offload their cargo on the west shore of Vancouver Island and containers can be transhipped through the Haro Strait cutting three days off the usual round trip. Port Alberni says that this would reduce congestion at port facilities in the lower mainland because unlike container ships, barges can navigate the Fraser estuary, dropping cargo further inland. It also says that the new terminal would bring significant economies of scale - at present the largest terminals in the Port of Vancouver handle 2,400 containers per day, the new facility would have more than twice that capacity. - See more at: http://www.portstrategy.com/news101/products-and-services/alberni-container-terminal-concept#sthash.aSI3xWeX.dpuf
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